About Living With Hope

we are an organization dedicated to providing  resources and training people with disabilities in Africa.

Living With Hope

LIVING WITH HOPE is an organization dedicated to share HOPE, Mobility Devices and training to those living with disabilities in Africa. This will empower them to reach their highest God-given potential. It’s true that your deepest passion comes from your deepest pain. My deepest pain and suffering has given me the passion to go back to Africa and serve people affected by disability. These people are so desperately in need of hope.

Valuing Life

Approximately, 80 million people live with disabilities in Africa, 10% of the population but possibly as high as 20% in the poorer regions.  People with disabilities are usually excluded from schools, opportunities to work and even the community. This means that they live their lives as the poorest of the poor. They face social stigma, discrimination and even death because they are considered to be of no value or a curse to the community.

Wheelchair Distribution

In most cases, the family of a disabled child will try to hide him or her away from the community.  It is my prayer that God will use me to help these people. LIVING WITH HOPE Ministry will work with people with disabilities in Kenya and the rest of Africa. This mission will focus on wheelchair distribution and educating families and communities to care for and to include people with disabilities as an important part of society.

Wheelchair Distribution

Mission Statement

Sharing God’s hope and love; restoring dignity through mobility


1. Faith in Hope in Christ

2. Love for the Community of People with Disability

3. Excellence in Service, Workmanship, and Relationships




To work with local churches, communities and schools, helping them to view people with disabilities as an integral part of society.

Not Forgotten

To advocate and challenge these communities to give people with disabilities love and opportunities so that they are not excluded or forgotten but can contribute to the society.


To share the message of HOPE so that people affected by disabilities can know that they are created in the image of God and can experience the fullness of life in Christ. Providing wheelchairs and other mobility devices to those in dire need.

Vision - Living With Hope

Our Goal

Our goal is to reach and train African people with disabilities to have skills that will help them achieve their highest God-given potential. And more importantly, connect them to be a part of the Body of Christ.


LIVING WITH HOPE ministry will collaborate with other international disability ministries.  This collaborative effort will empower and strengthen people with disabilities to change their present culture.  We will work to ensure that children with disabilities gets the tools they need to achieve their God given potential. This can be done through wheelchair distribution and the provision of educational resources.

Changing The Attitude

We will also work with their families, local churches, schools and local organizations to start a range of services that will improve their lives. Changing the attitude towards people with disabilities will drastically improve their lives. When these people are loved, valued and included in the church and community they will be able to live full and meaningful lives as God intended.


It is my prayer that you will consider joining me in this journey; to bring HOPE and Purpose to those who have been unloved and neglected for too long.

Board Of Directors

Rick Gerig

Rick Gerig

Dr. Tim Mead

Dr. Tim Mead

Vice President

Jim Belford

Jack Vroegh

Jack Vroegh

Pastor Andy Nearpass

Pt. Andy Nearpass

Jim Huisenga

Jim Huisenga

Amy Van Drunen

Amy Van Drunen

Dr. Jeff Haag

Dr. Jeff Haag

Dr. Richard D. White Jr.

Dr. Richard D. White Jr.

Jodi Van Veld

Jodi Van Veld

Mariellen Boomsma

Mariellen Boomsma


Meet Our Founder

Michael Panther–living With Hope

Michael Panther is the founder of Living With Hope. An organization dedicated to sharing Hope and Mobility to those with disabilities in Africa. Michael is from the war-torn young nation of South Sudan, Africa. Illness and war experiences left him in a wheelchair. In most parts of Africa, people with disabilities are usually excluded from schools, work opportunities and even the community because they are considered to be of no value in the society. This was now his life… a life with no hope and purpose. But God had a beautiful plan and purpose for Michael.

Race for Mobility Team
Living with Hope Race for Mobility 2023

Race for Mobility

Help us reach our goal!

Living With Hope's 2024 Race for Mobility Team will be participating in race distances including a 5k, half marathon, 20 mile, full marathon, and triathlons. We would love for you to be a part!

The team is committed to raising funds to bring hope and mobility to so many people with disabilities in dire need. Please click on a link below to join the team or make a donation!

Ready to Provide Hope?

Help us bring HOPE and Purpose to those who have been unloved and neglected for too long.