Living With Hope on Paperback!

Living with Hope Paperback book

Living With Hope on Paperback!

A True story of Faith, Purpose and Mobility

Living with Hope Paperback book

Born into the Dinka Bor tribe in war-torn South Sudan, Michael was ten years old when he began to lose movement in his legs. He and his family soon realized that any hospital that could help him would take months to walk to―and walking was no longer an option for Michael.

God reached into this seemingly hopeless situation and took Michael on both a spiritual and physical journey of incredible grace. Michael’s adventures in Kenya and the USA eventually led to the formation of a widespread ministry that provides resourcing and training to people with disabilities in Africa.

Living with hope is a testament to God’s purpose and plan for every life and of the hope to be found anchored in a relationship with Jesus and rooted in his sovereign goodness.

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