Living With Hope on Paperback!

Living with Hope Paperback book

Living With Hope on Paperback! A True story of Faith, Purpose and Mobility Born into the Dinka Bor tribe in war-torn South Sudan, Michael was ten years old when he began to lose movement in his legs. He and his family soon realized that any hospital that could help him would take months to walk…

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Same Mission, New Name!

Same Mission, New Name! We are excited to announce Living with Hope is becoming Hope Mobility International! Living with Hope is in the process of becoming Hope Mobility International in order to better reflect our mission as it grows. Our mission continues to be Africa’s leading organization in providing & finding appropriate mobility devices in…

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Wheelchairs Collection

Wheelchairs collection

Wheelchairs Collection 2021. Once collected, wheelchairs and other equipment will be refurbished through an arrangement with U.S. prison and then shipped to Africa. Each mobility device received gives a life-changing experience for someone with disability in Africa.

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Kenya Outreach 2021.

Mission - Living With Hope

Kenya Outreach – Dates: July 16th-27th, 2021 Ethiopia Outreach – September 11th-22st 2021   We are currently looking:   -Physical & Occupational Therapists to help fit wheelchairs,  -Mechanics to help adjust and retrofit wheelchairs and  -Support Team to help us share the compassionate love of Jesus Christ   Cost of the trip: The cost of…

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Wheels For Kenya 2018

Kenya Living With Hope

On September 8th-19th 2018, Living With Hope took a team of Physical Therapists, Mechanics and Support team to Kenya to help distribute wheelchairs. 16 of us went from here and work together with the Kenya on the ground. We distributed 200 wheelchairs, 60 crutches and walkers at 2 different center. Our first distribution was at A.I.C CURE Hospital in Kijabe, the Hospital that helped treat Michael when he was ill. Our second distribution was at a slum called Kengami at King’s Ambassadors Church led by our partner, Pastor Hudson Bande.

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Wheels For Kenya 2020

We thank God for going before us to serve the people of Kenya during our 3rd Wheels for Africa outreach. We had an opportunity to serve over 400 people with new mobility devices and we shared the Good News with them. What a humbling privilege to serve “the poor, the blind, the crippled” in Jesus’ Name!! We also had an incredible two-days Pastors’ training on disability and they all opened their hearts to go out and embrace people with disabilities.

I am so grateful for God’s timing and for the opportunity to distribute wheelchairs in Kenya before this pandemic. We saw many lives transformed before our eyes, and each story touched our hearts! I thank God for making this trip come to fruition and I am so grateful to our team for the incredible love shown to each person they came into contact with. One precious teacher told us that “ today was the first time her students felt Loved!” after a lifetime of being viewed as a curse. Those kids felt a sense of Hope in their lives and their Joy was just priceless.

My heart-felt thanks goes out to those who have supported us financially. We were able to pay for the shipment of wheelchair containers and purchase additional wheelchairs for children. I’m also grateful for those who donated supplies and all of you who prayed for us. Each one of you played a vital role in making this trip possible!!

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Wheels For Kenya 2019

On July 6th-17th 2019., Living With Hope took a team of Physical Therapists, Mechanics and Support team to Kenya to help distribute wheelchairs. 17 of us went from here and work together with the Kenya on the ground. We distributed 465 mobility devices.

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USA – Living With Hope


Earlier this month, my friend Michael Panther wrapped up a very successful wheelchair drive ― more than 150 wheelchairs were donated for Wheels for the World! And that’s not counting all the crutches, walkers, and canes. All to bring mobility to those who are in dire need of wheelchairs in Africa.

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Peru – Living With Hope

Peru Living with hope

Here is a glimpse from my recent trip with JAF Wheels for the World in Peru where Michael served as Mechanic. The outreach was very impactful indeed..with so many incredible God’s moments. So many lives were touched, changed and some found NEW HOPE. Michael heart was filled with joy and so did some of the kids who received their first wheelchairs. The kids loved racing with Michael over and over again. And every time he felt tired, they said to me “Uno mas, por favor!!(one more time, please)” And they went again for 20 more rounds!! Michael was very thankful to God for the opportunity to serve alongside incredible God’s servants.

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